Here's where I spend a lot of my time nowadays:

{my home spa}

{. . .with new washcloths. . .}

{. . .and a glass of chardonnay, a pitcher of lemon water. . .}
[By the way, funny thing I discovered: lemons float, limes sink.]

{yesterday, my hair started falling out. Or rather, it started coming out easily when tugged on. I sat in the tub for an hour, massaging my head, rubbing vigorously, tugging with my forefingers and thumbs, pulling out little black clumps. Kinda like weeding, only taking much longer. Guess I have a lot of hair. Now my head just looks like a poorly clipped shrub.}
If you want something other than lemon water, try cucumber water... just as refreshing and a bit sweet. They had this at a spa I went to once. Your home spa is awesome! Miss you!
lise--the log we stole from english bay. and animae-mae--i did have cucumber water at the spa as well! and it was delish and refreshing! the suggestion box for my home spa is always open--a constant reno!
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