Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Airport Sign

Yesterday, as DH and I were walking from the terminal to baggage claim at the airport in Honolulu, he said, "Hey, isn't that Tu?" It was my former co-worker from UCLA, Ying Ming Tu. I shouted, "Hey, Tu-tu!" He turned, his mouth dropped open, and he ran to give us a hug. He also just happened to be with Angela, another friend from LA. I worked with Angela on her book, "Open," which talks about her work as a civil rights lawyer and her philosophies that have arisen out of that. She's also a Zen Buddhist priest.

Angela touched my hair and asked me why purple? I explained how I'm going to have chemo in a couple weeks and wanted to dye my hair a funky color before it fell out. I told her that I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. Her hand went to the exact place of the tumor without me telling her which breast or anything. She said, "Our meeting here like this was meant to be, I can feel it." She then called up a Zen master at the Chozen-ji International Dojo in Honolulu and asked Roshi if DH and I could have an appointment to meet with him. It takes weeks to get an appointment, but Roshi agreed to meet with us on Thursday (tomorrow!). Angela said to go, climb to the top and meditate. She told us we'd have to wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, and I would have to take out my jewelry. I found this article on the dojo here:

At the moment of seeing Tu and Angela, I was so elated! Lots of people have told me to visualize the cancer leaving my body, to meditate, but I haven't felt like that would work. But now, with this completely serendipitous encounter at the airport--at the moment when DH and I were coming, and Tu and Angela were leaving--I feel a sense of joy and encouragement and spiritual uplifting. Even DH, who's not really into thinking about meditating and such things, looked happy. It was a really special moment.


drunken monkey said...

awww...glad to hear your trip's started off well! :-0

Animae said...

You'll have to tell us all about your visit to the temple. I've been including you in my novenas. I figured more prayer couldn't hurt :-) I miss you! By the way, have you considered reiki? My old boss used to help me with my meditations. She was also studying reiki and she feels that it's a really good spiritual healing technique. Thought I'd share.